The Union Square
The soulful Union Square is one of the largest and arguably the suavest square in all of Romania. Fish-scale cobble tiles cover it from one end to the other. Fantastic buildings embrace it in every corner and little pockets of culture unravel in every step. This is the site that comes to mind in Cluj-Napoca for both leisurely activities and entertainment. Its centrality makes the square a frequent attraction. And, you will find that its true appeal is hidden in the details.
Whether for a quick afternoon coffee break or to admire the monumental structures peppering it on all sides, locals and travelers pass by the square several times. It is the gathering site for celebrations, festivals, and elegant performances given by Romanian classical music artists.
Found in Union Square are also some of the finest buildings in Cluj-Napoca. The iconic St. Mihail Church is here, anchoring the site with its Gothic charm. Further away, the masterful old town hall, the National Museum of Art, and sublime palaces invite visitors in for architectural delights. But arguably the most picturesque element is the statue of Matthias Corvinus, the famous king of Hungary.